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Postman Testing Suite

This folder contains all the automated Postman tests used to verify the Submissions API is working as intended. The tests are split up into different collections depending on their domain. This is to make testing specific components of the API Sutie easier, and makes updating and adding new tests simpler.

01User AuthenticationAuthenticates the user, acquiring a user-token
02Smoke TestChecks if all required service are live
03Identity ServiceTest authentication endpoint and some authenticated endpoints
04Data Sample ValidationCheck validation of all Sample fields
05Data Diagnosis ValidationCheck validation of all Diagnosis fields
06Data Treatment ValidationCheck validation of all Treatment fields
07Data Sample ErrorsCheck correct error reporting on invalid Samples
08Data Diagnosis ErrorsCheck correct error reporting on invalid Diagnoses
09Data Treatment ErrorsCheck correct error reporting on invalid Treatment
10Status ServiceCheck responses on status endpoint for uploaded submissions
11RejectTest rejection of submissions
12CommitTest commital of submissions
13Submission LimitsSubmission limits and stress tests (10k, 500k Submissions)
14Post Test CleaningClears all submitted, unproccessed data

Newman is the CLI tool created by the Postman team, to be able to run Postman collections via the command line. It is the recommended way to quickly and robustly run tests against any Submissions API environment.

More information about Newman can be found on the Postman website.


Newman is a Node.js tool and therefore requires npm to be installed.

To install and setup the Newman CLI globally, run

$ npm install -g newman

To test Newman has been installed correctly

$ newman run -h

This will display all available options and flags of the Newman CLI. For more details on the CLI options, check out the Newman documentation.

Getting Started​

To begin, the Postman environment must be properly configured to the user's API credentials by editing environment.postman_environment.json. This contains all environmental variables used by the Postman collections during testing.

api-urlhttps://localhost:5001URL of the base API endpoint
directory-urlhttps://localhost:44300URL of the Directory
user-client-idGenerated API User ID
user-client-secretGenerated API User Secret
user-biobank-idOrganisation Internal ID

By default, the environment is configured to run against a local test environment. The user credentials will have to be supplied; these can be generated under the Bulk Submissions section on an Organisations Admin page.

Once configured, the user needs to be authenticated by the API such that a user-token can be generated. The user-token is required by all subsequent collections runs for all authenticated requests.

The user-token is generated by running the Biobanks API - 01 User Authentication collection.

$ newman run "Biobanks API - 01 User Authentication.postman_collection.json" -e "environment.postman_environment.json" --export-collection "environment.postman_environment.json"

In this case, we want to export the environment such that the user-token is written to the environment configuraton.

Running A Collection​

To run a collection, the Newman CLI needs reference to the collection and the environment json files

$ newman run "<collection.json>" -e "<environment.json>"

For testing on a local environment, where a security certificate may not be configured, the --insecure flag must be used to avoid additional errors.

Running In Postman​

These tests can also be imported, and ran via Postman. In Postman use the importer under File > Import > Folder. This will import all tests and the template environment to be used in Postman.