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This is a Command Line tool useful for managing some application access tasks.


It can be run from the source, or a build (distributed or built locally).

Running from source requires the .NET 6.0.x SDK or newer.

Base Command​

Use the appropriate command from here and then add the command you want to run as documented below.

  • dotnet run -- to run from source next to the Directory.csproj

Get help with the --help option.


The command line interface to administer the application, run commands as dotnet run -- <COMMAND>

  • api-clients : Actions for managing BiobankingUK ApiClients
  • crypto : Actions for working with secure identifiers
  • ref-data : Actions for managing BiobankingUK Reference Data
  • users : Actions for managing BiobankingUK Users


  • -c | --connection-string <CONNECTION-STRING> : Database Connection String if not specified in Configuration


It's a .NET Application, it supports the usual Configuration Sources e.g.

  • User Secrets
  • appsettings.json
  • Environment Variables

Configuration Values​

ConnectionStrings:DefaultThe Database connection string for commands which need it.Server=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb;Database=Biobanks
SerilogSerilog configurationSerilog docs