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💡 pnpm cheatsheet

Most pnpm commands can be done recursively against all workspaces with -r

You can target a specific workspace by being inside its workspace directory

  • or you can target a workspace by relative directory path -C <dir>
  • or you can filter workspaces to target using --filter <filter-spec>
    • See the docs for more complex filtering than just package name

Dependency management​

To install current dependencies for the whole repo: pnpm i


pnpm symlinks node_modules inside workspaces.

If you need to clean out node_modules you can't just do the root one, so use pnpm dlx npkill which will let you delete them all :)

To add a new dependency pnpm add <package-name> with -D if you want it to be a dev dependency

Script running​

Run scripts with pnpm <script-name>


If the name of the script conflicts with a pnpm command, do pnpm run <script-name>