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Email Sending

The Directory sends emails particularly around Account Management (for example password resets).

It supports sending via SendGrid, or local mail services.

It works out what to do as follows:

  • If Provider is sendgrid in appsettings.OutboundEmail, it will try to use SendGrid if an API key is available
  • If Provider is local in appsettings.OutboundEmail, it will use local

The above is achieved by conditionally resolving IEmailService with either a basic EmailService or a SendGridEmailService.

Basic EmailService​

If the basic EmailService is used, it will behave differently based on the configuration in appsettings.OutboundEmail.

  • By default, it will write mails to disk, at ~/temp.
  • It can be configured to use any SMTP Server
    • SendGrid is typically preferable though

The default on-disk solution is the easiest for local development, as there is no delay and no receiving mailbox required.