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Below is a Sample App Settings configuration for the Directory, includes all options* and defaults.

*Third party settings aren't necessarily included or exhaustive, such as default ASP.NET Core settings for logging, Kestrel etc., or other libraries such as Serilog.

// TODO: Details on how to configure ASP.NET Core?

# -----------------------
# Directory Configuration
# -----------------------
Default: "" # ODBC style connection string to a PostgreSQL database

# Optional if you want Hangfire tables in a different DB
Hangfire: "" # ODBC style connection string to a PostgreSQL database

# Only needed for the Submissions REST API functionality
AzureStorage: "" # Azure Storage Account Connection String

# It's possible to pull navbar items from a Wordpress instance
# Because the original Directory did it.
# This functionality may be deprecated in future
WordpressMenuUrl: ""

# Text replacement
ServiceName: Biobanking Directory
PageTitle: Biobanking Directory
LegalEntity: Legal Entity
EmailSignature: Biobanking Directory

# Email addresses / links

# Homepage / GUI Features
ClientSessionTimeout: 1200000 # 20 mins in milliseconds
AlternateHomepage: false
HotjarEnabled: false

# Google Analytics Tracking
GoogleAnalyticsEnabled: false
GoogleAnalyticsTrackingCode: ''
GoogleTagId: ''

# Google Recaptcha v2 Invisible API credentials
GoogleRecaptchaSecret: ''
GoogleRecaptchaPublicKey: ''

# Can an admin of a suspended biobank still access it themselves?
AllowSuspendedBiobanks: true

StartYear: '2015'

# Used by the GUI to search Publications
# and by the Publications Worker to link Publications to Biobanks
# (if the worker is active)

SchemaName: Hangfire

ApiBaseUrl: http://localhost:9200

# If sharing ES Servers for different environments
# set these differently per environment :)
DefaultCollectionsSearchIndex: collections
DefaultCapabilitiesSearchIndex: capabilities

# Optional if auth isn't required on the ES instance
# (e.g. in dev, or if heavily firewalled)
Username: ''
Password: ''

FromName: No Reply
ReplyToAddress: "" # if left empty, `FromAddress` will be used

Provider: local # see below for options

# If Provider == "local"
LocalPath: ~/temp

# If Provider == "sendgrid"
SendGridApiKey: ""

# If Provider == "smtp"
SmtpHost: "" # SMTP host name
SmtpPort: # SMTP port
SmtpUsername: "" # SMTP username
SmtpPassword: "" # SMTP password
SmtpSecureSocketEnum: # for example, assign 2 to implement SslOnConnect
# Secure socket options
# 1 - Auto
# 2 - SslOnConnect
# 3 - StartTls
# 4 - StartTlsWhenAvailable

# More information can be found here

# ----------------------
# REST API Configuration
# ----------------------

# Only needed if allowing external use of the REST API (i.e. issuing tokens)
# Used to sign JWTs issued by the backend
# and verify those in requests
Secret: "" # A suitable value can be generated using the crypto cli

# --------------------
# Worker Configuration
# --------------------

# Which Workers are enabled
HangfireRecurringJobs: []
# `analytics` - regularly consume Google Analytics data for dashboarding
# `aggregator` - aggregate REST API Submissions into GUI Collections
# `publications` - regularly check for EPMC publications associated with biobanks in the Directory
# `submissions-expiry` - expire stale Submissions to the REST API

# Only needed if using the Analytics Worker
# These settings configure the use of the Google Analytics API
# to fetch analytics stats so they can be dashboarded within the Directory GUI
# If specified, all Analytics Data will be filtered by the provided hostname.
# Usually the hostname of the Directory application.
FilterHostname: ''

# Number of Organisations to include in the ranking for Organisation reports
MetricThreshold: 10

# Number of Event groups that originated from the same location on a particular day
# above which will be excluded from plots
EventThreshold: 30
StartDate: '2016-01-01'
GoogleAnalyticsViewId: '' # View ID to fetch analytics data from

# A JSON Service Account Key for Google Analytics Reporting API v4
GoogleAnalyticsReportingKey: ''

# Only needed if using the Aggregator Worker
# ID for the OntologyTerm used in collections for Non-Extracted Samples
NonExtractedOntologyTerm: ''

# Mappings between (ContentMethod, ContentId) of a Sample => MacroscopicAssessment
MacroscopicAssessmentMappings: []