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Process Overview

Typically, data is submitted to the Directory manually, by Organisation Administrators through forms in the web application.

However for many Organisations, this is an unrealistic expectation, due to the volume of data and the need to aggregate individual sample records into an anonymised, summarised Collection.

The Directory API provides a set of HTTP endpoints and a process for submitting sample records in Bulk, and the Directory will take care of the aggregation and surfacing of data via Search.


All Bulk Submission endpoints described here require Token Authentication.

This process guide assumes you have a token and will use it to authenticate all requests.

Getting a token in turn requires Client Credentials for an Organisation.

  • Generating Client Credentials is covered in the Directory Guide
  • Authenticating with Basic Auth (for the /token endpoint) is described in the Authentication documentation.
  • Authenticating with an access token is described in the Authentication documentation.

Tokens have a short lifetime (e.g. 1 day), but last longer than a single request, so a client can cache and reuse a token until it expires, and only then request a new one.

1. Submitting data

The first step of the Bulk Submissions process is to submit the data to a staging area.

Submissions are made at the /submit endpoint, for a given Organisation Internal Identifier:

idrouteOrganisation ID

The payload is detailed in the OpenAPI spec, but some less obvious aspects are described here.

It is possible (and sometimes desirable) to make multiple submissions to staging before proceeding with committing the data.


A single submission has a record limit of 10,000 operations.


Submission payloads can contain multiple Operations:


Submit will insert or update a record in the staging area.

When the staged data is committed, this record will be included in the live dataset

Submit operations will have further requirements of mandatory properties. Some of these requirements are conditional on other property values. See below for details depending on the submitted record type.


Delete will stage a deletion request for a record

When the staged data is committed, this record will be deleted from the live dataset

Delete operations only need to specify the identifying properties of the record. These are properties marked as required in the OpenAPI model.

Submission Record Types

There are three record types that can be contained in a Submission: Samples, Diagnoses and Treatments.

While the API will accept and correctly store diagnoses and treatments, they are of no use at this time as the Directory only deals with samples.

Sample records

Submitting Sample Records requires a number of additional mandatory properties, including some which are conditionally required based on other property values.

Lookup valid values

The valid values differ in different Directory instances, based on configuration, but are accessible from public API endpoints on the Directory website app (not the API app).

These endpoints are in the form


(unless the notes below indicate a different data type than the matching property name.)

PreservationType Example

You can see valid values for PreservationType and which StorageTemperature requires them by making the following request:


and in the response payload, you can see that the StorageTemperature RT requires a valid PreservationType of either Paraffin, Resin (EM) or Resin (LM).

Sample Response payload
"Id": 4,
"Value": "N/A",
"SortOrder": 0,
"StorageTemperatureId": null,
"StorageTemperatureName": "",
"PreservationTypeCount": 0
"Id": 1,
"Value": "Paraffin",
"SortOrder": 1,
"StorageTemperatureId": 1,
"StorageTemperatureName": "RT",
"PreservationTypeCount": 0
"Id": 2,
"Value": "Resin (EM)",
"SortOrder": 2,
"StorageTemperatureId": 1,
"StorageTemperatureName": "RT",
"PreservationTypeCount": 0
"Id": 3,
"Value": "Resin (LM)",
"SortOrder": 3,
"StorageTemperatureId": 1,
"StorageTemperatureName": "RT",
"PreservationTypeCount": 0

The Open API spec is poor at expressing these conditional relationships, so we cover that information here:

PropertyMandatory statusNotes
DateCreated✔ YesMust not be in the future compared to when the Submission payload was accepted.
AgeAtDonation❔ If YearOfBirth is emptyPreferred over YearOfBirth. Must be a valid ISO8601 Duration value; negatives (prefixed with -) are accepted for pre-birth.
YearOfBirth❔ If AgeAtDonation is emptyIf AgeAtDonation is empty, this value will be used to calculate a best-guess age when compared with the Sample's DateCreated.
Sex❌ NoMust be a valid value
MaterialType✔ YesMust be a valid value
StorageTemperature✔ YesMust be a valid value
PreservationType❔ If StorageTemperature requires itIf provided, must be a valid value for the associated StorageTemperature.
SampleContentMethod❔ If MaterialType is not in the Extracted Sample groupOne of the following must be true:
  • Both SampleContentMethod and SampleContent contain valid values
  • Both SampleContentMethod and SampleContent are empty
SampleContent❔ If SampleContentMethod is presentIf provided, must be a valid SNOMED-CT Disease term from the Directory's OntologyTerms list.
ExtractionSite❔ If MaterialType is in the Tissue Sample groupIf provided Must be a valid SNOMED-CT Body Organ term from the Directory's OntologyTerms list.
ExtractionProcedure❔ If MaterialType requires itIf provided, must be a valid SNOMED-CT Extraction Procedure term from the Directory's OntologyTerms list, for the associated MaterialType.

2. Checking Submission Status

When a POST request is made to the /submit endpoint, if it passes the initial validation a Submission ID will be returned.

This ID value can be used to query the status of the submission, anywhere submissionId is required.

There are a number of /status endpoints detailed in the OpenAPI spec

The status endpoints are primarily provided for two reasons:

  • Determining errors with the submitted data
  • Determining when the submissions has completed processing.

Currently the recordsProcessed field in the Status Summary does not function as expected.

It is either 0 (while processing is in progress), or equal to totalRecords, once processing is complete.

It is possible to have multiple submissions in progress at a time, but in order to proceed with committing or rejecting the staged operations all submissions must have finished processing. The status endpoints allow visibility of this.

Often, the decision of whether to commit or reject is based on the errors identified during processing. Again, this information is discoverable by the status endpoints to provide feedback and inform that decision.

3. Completing Staged Submissions

Once all currently open Submissions have finished processing, there are several choices available:

  1. Make more submissions, to stage more data
  2. Commit the currently staged data to the live dataset
  3. Reject the currently staged data

Making more submissions is as simple as returning to Step 1 above.


Committing can only be proceed if there are no currently processing Submissions.

Commit staged data

If the results of the Submissions processing are acceptable, the /commit endpoint can be used to take all currently staged data (from all Submissions since the last commit or reject) and update the live system with it.

All staged operations (Submit and Delete) will be applied to the current live dataset for the organisation in question.


If multiple operations (Submit and/or Delete) have been submitted for the same record identifiers, the most recent submission will take precedence

Update mode

A Commit can be performed in Update mode, whereby records in the live dataset are left alone unless they are have a matching (by identifying fields) staged Operation.

Essentially this mode updates the live dataset for the Organisation as per the changes described by the staged Operations.

idrouteOrganisation ID
typequeryreplace or update

No request body is required; the request is a POST because it has side effects.

Replace mode

A Commit can be performed in Replace mode, whereby records in the live dataset are deleted unless they are have a matching (by identifying fields) staged Operation.

Essentially this mode replaces the live dataset for the Organisation with the dataset described by the staged Operations.

idrouteOrganisation ID
typequeryreplace or update

No request body is required; the request is a POST because it has side effects.

Reject staged data

If the results of the Submissions processing are not acceptable, the /reject endpoint can be used to delete all currently staged operations (from all Submissions since the last commit or reject) allowing for staging to start over.

All staged operations (Submit and Delete) will be discarded.

idrouteOrganisation ID

No request body is required; the request is a POST because it has side effects.